I'm Jenna Lee
Welcome to my new online home — a place I want you to feel comfy stopping by anytime. I’ve got 20 years of seeking natural modalities for everything under the sun, and I am positive I have something here that is just for YOU. You’re invited to come alongside me on this journey to all-natural radiance, inside and out.
sis, you got this!
The role of mama will forever be my favorite one.
I created this FREE ebook as a gift to help you keep yourself and your little ones truly well in all seasons.

hey, babe
i’m glad you’re here
I’m Jenna Lee — a small-town, stay-at-home mama turned entrepreneur when my pursuit of living life naturally collided with my passion for essential oils.
Twenty years ago I was a brand new mama wondering how to raise kids naturally in a chemical laden world; wondering how to support their tiny bodies in a way that I felt confident and comfortable with; wondering how to ensure they would be capable and equipped to continue nurturing themselves in this way long after childhood had ended, and it was then that the stuff of my dreams became that of my reality.
read it
the blog

Cafes and Lattes
I am obsessed with warm mugs of goodness. It started at a young age for me – watching my dad set the coffee pot on a timer the night before an early work day, coming in from the snow to a hot cup of cocoa, or my mom bringing me tea on those dreaded sick days.
I learned that herbal teas played a big part in how I felt, and it was here that started me on the path I’m on to this day – yearning and learning to understand God’s medicine cabinet and how amazingly well it works with the body.

It’s like a swear word. Some hate it. Some love it. Some use it as therapy. Some view it as the enemy. While it might be a word most of us don’t like, it’s essential – like air and water.
The “epidemic of sitting” has gotten so bad that it is now being compared to smoking – even going so far as being dubbed with the title “Sitting is the New Smoking”.
It seems crazy that sitting can be just as harmful to our health as smoking, but research has shown that habitual inactivity increases our risk for obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, deep-vein thrombosis, and even metabolic syndrome – yikes!


“Jen is an absolutely magnetic person — the kind you are immediately drawn to. Her passion for life and for the people in hers are the reasons behind everything she does, which is why she’s the business mogul she is today.
“Genuine, loyal, selfless, strong, kind, Christ-centered, wise — She is truly one of a kind and seems to posses ALL the qualities that are crave-worthy in a friend {and certainly in a business partner}.
“In addition to those things, Jen is also an oil guru. If you have an issue, she has solutions that WORK! Her knowledge surpasses that of so many in the industry, and having her as a resource is invaluable.
She is the real deal in a world filled with so many facades, and is someone that will make your life better by simply being in it! Working with her is one of the best decisions I have made and I am excited for what’s to come in our future endeavors!”
Lynley Herig