As a little girl, I spent countless evenings watching my momma replace her makeup with wonderful smelling creams and secret concoctions – secret because she insisted that I didn’t need them yet. The fact that these creams weren’t for me made me want them even more! I would sneak into her bag of goodness, crawl up on the counter, and mimic her actions, rubbing a little dot of that cream in just the right places. I always wondered why she went through so many steps just to go to bed. But I also knew that whatever my mom did, I wanted to do too. She was beautiful and I wanted to look just like her one day.
I have followed the path that my momma modeled for me – nourishing my skin with beauty secrets and formulas – and now the legacy of beauty-secret-loving-ladies continues on with my girls. I truly believe that ‘more is caught than taught’ in life, and an important beauty secret for my girls – daughters and friends alike – to catch is choosing products that are clean.