As a little girl, I spent countless evenings watching my momma replace her makeup with wonderful smelling creams and secret concoctions – secret because she insisted that I didn’t need them yet. The fact that these creams weren’t for me made me want them even more! I would sneak into her bag of goodness, crawl up on the counter, and mimic her actions, rubbing a little dot of that cream in just the right places. I always wondered why she went through so many steps just to go to bed. But I also knew that whatever my mom did, I wanted to do too. She was beautiful and I wanted to look just like her one day.
I have followed the path that my momma modeled for me – nourishing my skin with beauty secrets and formulas – and now the legacy of beauty-secret-loving-ladies continues on with my girls. I truly believe that ‘more is caught than taught’ in life, and an important beauty secret for my girls – daughters and friends alike – to catch is choosing products that are clean.
Our skin is our largest organ. It absorbs whatever you put on it in six seconds. It regenerates itself every twenty-seven days. Both of these truths mean that we have an opportunity to see and make a difference in its appearance quickly – if we chose good clean products.
I too now have a process that I go through, just to lay my head down to sleep – just like my momma. Ready for me to spill on my evening skin care routine?
My foundational products for healthy, glowing skin are found in doTERRA’s skin care line.
Essential Skin Care Line:
Step 1 – Cleanse
Wash your face twice using a washcloth to ensure you get all the dirt and makeup off.
Optional Step 1.5 – Rejuvenate
Use the two-step Reveal System 2-3 times per week and watch it eat up the junk in your pores and exfoliate dead skin cells. Fine lines are diminished and you are left looking fresh! A must before photo shoots!
Step 2 – Tone
Eliminate excess makeup minimize pores by using a toner post-cleansing. I love my makeup, so this step is crucial to ensure there’s none left behind!
Step 3 – Support
Rose | Black Spruce | Blue Tansy | Yarrow/Pom
I rotate these oils, but some days I will chose to layer all four if my skin just needs a little more love.
Black Spruce: Helps to brighten your skin and reduce the color of brown age spots. I have freckles so balancing the melanin in my skin is always a challenge. I love this oil eraser of sorts.
Rose: Works on the top layer of skin to give a healthy glow and radiance
Blue Tansy: The anti-inflammatory wonder oil. I can never get over the difference in my skin when I go to bed looking a little smurfy from this blue oil! Don’t worry the blue hue goes away after about 15 minutes, but leaves behind flawless skin! It’s also a great spot treatment for blemishes – truly amazing
Yarrow|Pom: The oil of youthfulness. This oil will help encourage collagen building and stronger plumper skin. It is hydrating and full of nourishment. We call this nature’s botox.
Step 4 – Easy on the Eyes
Focus on the delicate skin around the eyes, as it tends to age quickly with fine lines, wrinkles, and dark circles. Use the anti-aging eye cream.
Step 5 – Moisturize
Lock in moisture with the anti-aging moisturizer or Hydrating Cream.
Don’t worry if your little one is watching and wants to take part – they can! These products are for healthy skin and cells. Invite them to climb up on the counter and do it right with you.
And remember beauty is not just skin deep. Hydrate daily and smile brightly.
Click this link to check out all the products mentioned in this blog.