
 Cafes and Lattes

I am obsessed with warm mugs of goodness. It started at a young age for me – watching my dad set the coffee pot on a timer the night before an early work day, coming in from the snow to a hot cup of cocoa, or my mom bringing me tea on those dreaded sick days.

I learned that herbal teas played a big part in how I felt, and it was here that started me on the path I’m on to this day – yearning and learning to understand God’s medicine cabinet and how amazingly well it works with the body.

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Whether real or perceived, it wreaks havoc on our body. That chronic tension, head, neck or shoulder pain that plagues you?  Likely a side effect from the activation of our Sympathetic Nervous System {aka our Fight or Flight response}.

Stressful situations, while unavoidable, cause immediate physiological changes in our body – both seen and unseen.  Hormonally, epinephrine circulates to sharpen the senses – the heart beats faster, the lungs expand and the pupils dilate {meaning extra light enters the retina and can later result in light sensitivity and headaches}.  Your brain signals your adrenal system to kick into high gear, pulling the building blocks away from necessary hormones {like estrogen and progesterone} and towards the production of cortisol.

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